Teen Read Week is coming up on October 14th and lasts until October 20th. Since last month, my Teen Advisory Board and I have been discussing programs we may want to do and host during that time. They have settled on the Zombie theme (since zombies are soooo hot right now) We will set up a Zombie themed book display near the Circ. Desk and hold a slime-making workshop sometime throughout the week. Also, to properly end the week, we will have a Zombie Face-Painting Workshop that Friday and have all those who wish to walk in the "Zombie Walk" around the block of the library. After this, those who are in Middle School and High School will be invited back into the library to watch a "Walking Dead" marathon of the first season. The library may host a temporary lock-in until the first season is completed that night.
The teens seem super excited about this and their excitement is contagious as I can't wait to see how this all turns out. Will continue to post updates!