Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Teen Read Week Prep

Teen Read Week is coming up on October 14th and lasts until October 20th. Since last month, my Teen Advisory Board and I have been discussing programs we may want to do and host during that time. They have settled on the Zombie theme (since zombies are soooo hot right now) We will set up a Zombie themed book display near the Circ. Desk and hold a slime-making workshop sometime throughout the week. Also, to properly end the week, we will have a Zombie Face-Painting Workshop that Friday and have all those who wish to walk in the "Zombie Walk" around the block of the library. After this, those who are in Middle School and High School will be invited back into the library to watch a "Walking Dead" marathon of the first season. The library may host a temporary lock-in until the first season is completed that night.

The teens seem super excited about this and their excitement is contagious as I can't wait to see how this all turns out. Will continue to post updates!


  1. Isn't it interesting (and weird) to see how much hot ticket items and topics change over time? Seems to me that the younger crowd is into cupcakes lately, and the zombie/paranormal romance subject genre is EXPLODING. I'm doing an academic practicum at the Urbana Free Library and we are having a zombie prom at the end of this month. Apparently some people will be available to zombi-fy teens. Here goes nothing :)

  2. Zombies are an interesting phenomenon in literature and in pop culture in general. I kind of think it will fade in a few years, as the Twilight/vampires/werewolves craze faded when kids started reading the Hunger Games series. My son is attending college in Indiana and is reading a philosophy book based on Walking Dead. Maybe that in itself is a sign of the trend's impending doom - when a teacher finds something relevant, kids tend to turn to something else. Jim

  3. My husband and I are constantly trying to figure out what the appeal of zombies is and we have not come to any kind of real conclusion. Nothing about the creatures appeals to me, but it sure does to the YA patrons at our library. Kids are already talking about how they can't wait to get their faces painted and have been showing me their "Zombie Walking skills". Regardless of the number of people that participate, I have a feeling these guys would have a blast by themselves as long as they got to act like Zombies, lol.

  4. I have an entire chapter on zombies (well, specifically zombie apocalypse), so I am hoping it remains interesting for another couple of years. They really appear in a startling array of young adult books, and OSU (in Corvallis) has a week long zombie fest that culminates in a marshmallow shooter competition where half the students are zombies and the other half are the intrepid humans hoping to save the world. Fascinating. I thought this was a terrific post, Felicia.
