Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The YA Librarian Image

This is just something I have been thinking on for a while. I figure it probably varies from library to library and librarian to librarian according to your library's dress-code, but does anyone have any thoughts on the YA Librarian's dress-code? I feel that it was somewhat addressed by a librarian at the Lit Symposium when she addressed the issue of promoting a YA Librarian's personality to their YA patrons. She stated that YA Librarians need to decorate their offices/desks/etc. with items/pictures that represent who they are, what they like, and all that jazz. I do not have an office - or even a desk, really. Just an area that has been designated as mine although I share it with the other librarians as well and they use it when I am not there. There is no extra room for stuff except the two or three paper print-outs I have put up.
I ask about dress-code, because I feel that is the best way for me to promote myself to the teens and tweens that come in and out of our library. The problem I face is the older patrons of our library and the fact that, in my area, the stereotypical image of the "Librarian" still exists strongly. I would absolutely love to wear jeans or pants and my Muppets t-shirt or even a sparkly dress (with a cardigan and tights, of course), but I worry that it will reflect negatively and that my Director may ultimately be the one to catch flack for it. I never used to worry about it until I began working in a public library as a teen and was told never to wear shorts above knee level (which does makes sense to me) and now that I am in a leadership position, I feel that it is an even bigger conundrum. I think it would be different if I were just the YA Librarian rather than both the Assistant Director/YA Librarian.

I am not complaining, just trying to obtain your thoughts on how I can best represent my personality to the youth who come into our library. If you have any personal stories pertaining to this subject, please feel free to share in the comment section. :)


  1. This is an interesting and tricky issue because you are expected to be so many things at once: fun and approachable, but professional, not boring or overly formal, but not too casual, creative and individual, but not too much.

    The YA/Teen librarian at one of my jobs does a lot of "30 for 30" challenges on her blog--basically, you pick 30 items of clothing and then wear only those 30 items in different combinations for 30 days, but with any accessories that you want. It's supposed to be a way to teach yourself how to accessorize and use your wardrobe to its full potential. You may not want to try the challenge, but I do recommend checking out her blog because she has a great sense of style and I think she does a good job of being professional and maintaining that sense of personal style. Her blog is (it's also linked on my blogroll).

  2. Thank you so much! What a creative way to use what you already have!
